
Saturday, September 10, 2016

ADX Forcible cell extraction prisoner gassed Tommy Silverstein effected

If you have been following Tom's fight to get his manuscript out, you'll know is just wrong that ADX is just hiding the atrocities by claiming "security risk. What is at risk is every prisoner's physical and mental health. Tom writes that "the goons forcibly extracted a prisoner from his cell and while its horrible to see and hear the gas floats through the air, in this case Tom vomited for 2 days. He has lung problems anyways is on 3 kinds of inhalers yet he was exposed to the noxious fumes wondering what damage it causes him and others. Below Tom's intake mug shot from 1975 and a recent picture of him. Don't you think it's time to hear his story? Please use addresses posted here to demand Tom's right to tell his story. Whether you like him or not ADX is not above the law. And we can not allow any institution to take away our rights. If you are a prisoner you are still an American citizen with rights. It is a right to write and send out a manuscript cited here. 

 Thank you for reading please join the fight for justice. Tom has been punished for his crimes in isolation 30 years.

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