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Tommy Silverstein's Appeal Number One and Rejection
Tommy Silverstein has been held in TOTAL isolation for 23 years- he never gets out of his cell or has human contact except for an occassional guard at his cell door. He killed a guard many years ago, and is here appeaaling for more mild conditions This man has rehabilitated himself- he is not the man he was. We will scatter his essays and art work around this blog art. The ironic thing is, since he has been in the prison in Florence CO, he is not allowed his art supplies,the mainstay of his life. None of the prisoners in segregation are allowed art supplies, another testiment of the inhumanity of our "justice system".
Look at the side panels of this blog for ways to help Tommy join the general prison population.
Now for the Appeal
Siiverstein. Thomas E, 14634-116 Unit Z Florence
Part A - Inmate request:
B.F.8 states I'm currently in segregation because my placement in other units poses a threat to security and good orderly running of this Institution and B.O.P. facilities, therefore my request to be placed in genera! population is denied.
On the contrary I have an exemplary disciplinary record for 19 years! To ignore this institutional adjustment is evident of a B.O.P. vendetta against me, and the real reason for my indefinite isolation status, and a clear violation of B.O.P.s own policy 5270, 07 C N - 05. Sept. 29 1994 CH, I PG. 3 (4) Disciplinary action may not be capricious or retaliatory, (5) Staff may not impose or allow imposition of corporal punishment of any kind", and flies in the face of numerous court rulings, i.e. Morris v Travisono cite as 549 F, supp;29i (1982).
The district court, Pettine, senior Judge held that the segregated confinement of the prisoner for eight and a half years without sufficient penological justification, thus resulted in unnecessary and wanton infliction of pain in violation of the 8th amendment, since neither the prisoner's criminal record nor his disciplinary record during confinement justified continued, solitary confinement, and since the claim that the prisoner was too dangerous to be returned to the general population, appeared to-be mere pretext for unduly punishing him for his conviction of murder of a prison guard. 1. Criminal law key 1213, prisons key 13 (5) solitary confinement is not per se unconstitutional under certain circumstances. However solitary confinement may be so onerous that it constitutes a cruel and unusual punishment. U.S.C.A. constitutional amendment. 8.
Professor Connon testified that lie was familiar with Carillos prior conviction and crimes of violence against correction officers. His recent disciplinary record as well as the current circumstances of his confinement(TR. At 14 - 22). According to Professor Connon, because of what this man did in 1973, there is a plan to keep him in this kind of sub- human state which borders on daily torture of a human being (TR. AT 33) In a prison book by Pete Earley: The Hot House page 123 - 4, Craig Trout, a B.O.P. official, said he knew exactly where to put me after I moved from U.S.P. Atlanta 10 U.S.P. Leavenworth.
Associate Warden Smith at Leavenworth, had known officer Clutts (the person I killed) personally and had attended his funeral. ''As far as I'm concerned Silverstein is a cold blooded, blood thirsty, worthless killer" Smith said on pages 226 - 7. Fm kept on "no human contact" status, as one Bureau official explained,
"When an inmate kills a guard, he must be punished. We can't execute Silverstein, so we have no choice but to make his life a living hell. Otherwise other inmates will kill guards too, there has to be some supreme punishment, Every convict knows what Silverstein is going through. We want them to realize if they cross the same line that he did, they will pay a heavy price!'" In applying contemporary standards of decency to challenge prison conditions, the Supreme Court has held that the eighth amendment prohibits not only physically barbarous punishments, but also "unnecessary and wanton" inflictions of pain that are totally without penological justification. Gregg v Georgia, 482 U.S. 153, 173, 183, 96 S.CT.2909,2925, 2929, 49L Ed. 2d 859 (1976):seen so Estelle v Gamble, 429 U.S.97.103,97 S. CT.285, 290,501, Ed.2d 251 (1976).
As the first circuit has observed, where solitary confinement is imposed (1) inappropriately or for too long a period, even permissible forms of solitary confinement might violate the eighth amendment. O'Btien v Moriarty, 489 F2d 941. 944 (1st cir 1974) (emphasis added) It goes without saying that a prison Warden may not constitutionally put an inmate in administrative segregation, involving solitary confinement, or other rigorous conditions of imprisonment, simply because he dislikes the inmate, or desires to punish him for past misconduct. Moreover, it should be emphasized that the reason or reasons for the segregation must not be valid at the outset, but must continue to subsist during the period of the segregation.
Conditions in prison change as they do every where else, and a reason for administrative segregation of an inmate that is valid today, may not necessarily be valid six months or a year into the future. 525 F, 2d at 400, As this court observed in Morris v Travisono , even if a person is confined to an air conditioned suite at Waldorf Astoria, denied of meaningful human conduct for such an extended period, may very well cause severe psychological injury. 499 F, supp, at 160, see O'Brien v Moriarty., 489 F, 2d at 944c ( "for a person to be cut off markedly from all others is a privation not to be underestimated" ) Courts have a responsibility to ensure that conditions of prisoners confinement are not cruel, and unusual punishment in violation of the eighth amendment. Rhodes v Chapman, 1015. CT at 2401 and this determination necessarily involves a review of correctional officials' decision- even if they pertain to prison security and -discipline.
It cannot be seriously contended that prison administrators can wholly evade judicial review by merely raising institutional security concerns. See Procnier v Martinez, 416 U.S. 396, 405-06. 945-T, 1800; 1808, 40L Ed 2d 224 (1974). Johnson vAvery 393U.S. 483, 486, 895. CT. 747; 749, 2IL. Ed 718 (1969). (2) After a thorough examination of the record in this case 1 find that the defendants' decision to house Carillo in solitary confinement for the past eight and a half years, is without sufficient penological justification, and as a consequence has resulted in the unnecessary and wanton infliction of pain" in violation of the eighth amendment. CT Estelie v Gamble. 42DS. At 103, 97 S. CT. AT 290 cutting an individual off from all meaningful human contact after the reasons for such segregation no longer exist offends in a fundamental way contemporary standards of decency.
Defendants claim that Carillo is too dangerous to be returned to the general population, appears to this court to be a mere pretext for unduly punishing him for his 1973 murder conviction. In the 8 years that have elapsed since that conviction, the defendants have not meaningfully reviewed Carillos progress, nor have they attempted to evaluate whether he could adjust to the general population, instead they have advanced a series of unsatisfactory justifications for Carillo's continued solitary confinement. (Nor am I given meaningful reviews.) The defendants refusal to even attempt to return Carillo to the prison G.P. once in the past eight and. a half years strongly reinforces this courts conclusion that Carillo has been kept in isolation not for his dangerous propensities, but because he was convicted of the murder of a prison guard.
The fact is that Carillo seeks only to be returned to the general population of a high security facility, where his activities can be closely supervised. There is simply no explanation why an inmate whose disciplinary record for the last several years, reveals no violent behavior would be any more difficult to control than other inmates, who are sufficiently "dangerous" that they must be housed in a high security facility, in some this court holds that the conditions of the plaintiffs confinement when considered in the light of the lack of a legitimate justification supporting it, are barbarous as the filthy physical conditions that have been consistently condemned in other prison cases. See ED Palmigiano v Garraky, 443 F, Supp, 956 (D.R.I. 1977): Pugh v Locke, 406 F supp. 318 (N.D. Ala. 1976) Accordingly. Carillo's treatment violates the eighth amendment, confining a man to 23 hours a da}' and denying him all opportunities to express himself for eight and a half years can have at least as devastating an effect on a prisoner as a complete lack of sanitation. Contemporary standards of decency forbid such treatment."
I've been held in total solitary confinement for 23 years, under far worse conditions than those described in the Corillo case. Showing an obvious malicious intent to make my life the "living hell"' expressed earlier by a B.O.P. official and indifference to my subjugation, My restrictions have gotten "more" stringent despite 19 years clean conduct, not less. There isn't only a lack of a review as B.P.8. clearly states, my fate has been predetermined as they regurgitate their 23 year (meaningless)mantra that 1 pose a threat etc, I'd like to know who I pose a "threat" too since I've not threatened anyone in 23 years! B.O.P. officials refuse to return me to the general population, ignore my exemplary conduct and have arbitrary punished me by taking what privileges that took me 19 years to earn. (I'm going backward not forward). In Kuck v Lewis cite as 216 f UPP, 2d 999 (D.Arizona, 2001) (2) inmates five and half confinement with no end in sight (as it is in my case, gave rise to protected due process liberty interest, (3) inmate could not: be indefinitely detained in a special management unit (SMU) based solely on his status of as gang member and absent evidence of overt misconduct. After Sandin, A state - created liberty interest arises when the prison's conduct toward an inmate imposes an "a-typical' and significant hardship on the inmate in relation to the ordinary incidents of prison life. Sandin, 515 U.S. at 484. 1155 3 2293.
The Sandin test requires a case by case examination of both the conditions of the inmates confinement and the duration of the deprivation at issue, Sandin 515 U.S. at 486,1165 CT. 2293, Keenan v Hall, 83 fed 1083 (9th cir, 1996) amended by 135 F. 3d 1318 (9th cir. 1998) See Sealey v Giltner, 197 F, 3d 578. 585 (2d cir 1996) In Koch's case, the deprivation is extreme in both degree and duration. Not surprisingly, the severe conditions of the SMU 11 (mine are worse) have adverse Psychological consequences. See Miller v Stewart, 231 F. 3d 1248. 1252 (9fn cir. 2000). It is well accepted that conditions such as those presented in SMU11, can cause psychological decompensation to the point that individuals may become incompetent. Comer v Stewart, 215f,3d 910, 915 ( 9lh cir. 2000) "We and other courts have recognized that prison conditions remarkably similar to ( SMU11)can adversely effect a persons mental health.
Madrid, 889 F supp at 1230. Discussing the psychiological deterioration that results for isolation in SMU11 like conditions : see also McCleary v Kelly. 4 supp 2d 195. 208 (WDNY, 1998} "The notion that" prolonged isolation from social and environmental increases the risk of developing a mental illness does not strike this court as rocket science. The expert testimony submitted by parties served to confirm the obvious. At trial Kock's expert witness testified that isolation in SMU11 causes detrimental pathological effects on the inmate. Koch has been confined to SMUI1 for five and a half years this clearly1 is long enough to trigger liberty interest. See Colon v Howard. 215 F 3d 227, 230 - 32 (cir. 2000) Discussing cases and holding that 305 day confinement satisfied the Sandin standard. Shoat v Horn. 213 F 3d 140 143 - M (3d cir. 2000) Holding that segregation for eight and a half years triggered due process rights, furthermore, Koch will remain in SMUI1 indefinitely. See Seeley, 197F, 3d at 586 (especially harsh conditions endured for a brief interval and somewhat harsh conditions endured for a prolonged interval might be atypical. Sandin. 535 U.S. all84, 1155. CT 2293: see Shoats, 213. 3d at 144, "We have no difficulty concluding that eight years in administrative custody, with no prospect of immediate release in the near future, is atypical in relation to the ordinary incidents of prison life"
Judge Gilman in his concurring opinion as a sixth circuit case Judge. Jones v Baker observed that confinement in ADM, lockdown for a. period over two and a half years "is clearly a rare occurrence" The court in Morris v Travistino referred to confinement of all inmates in SEG, for the period of seven years, without a systematic plan for rehabilitation as "the epitome of warehousing" and therefore sufficient to give rise to a liberty interest. In a recent unpublished decision, the 5th cir. Suggested that a 10 year confinement in extended lock down gives rise to a liberty interest.
At least one court within the 5th cir. has gone even further than the third cir. In Shoat v the 5th cir. In Colgrove, in Beene v Hammer,2003 WL 21673456. 4 (ND Texas July 15th 2003. The court held that even A 6 - MO stay in lockdown could give rise to liberty interest. Wilkerson, supra, 329 F3d at 435. since the plaintiff in present matter allege that the approximately 120 lockdown reviews afforded them by LSP staff were a sham proceedings, it is worth noting that the plaintiff in Kelly also received monthly evaluations regarding his confinement in ADM, SEG. However the appeals court affirmed the district courts holding, that the monthly evaluations were a mere sham and were of no practical value to the inmate involved; notably Kelly was only in ADM, SEG for approximately 3 years, versus 28-33 years for the present plaintiffs.
3/3/06 Thomas E. Silverstein.
Now the Rejection
BP-229 RESPONSE Case Number: 406466-F1 Name:SILVERSTEIN,Thomas Register Number: 14634-116
Your Request for Administrative Remedy dated March 3, 2006, and received in this office March 13, 2006, has been reviewed. You claim you are unfairly housed in Segregation. You request to be placed in General Population.
A review of the issue raised in your Request for Administrative Remedy has been conducted. The results of the review revealed you are properly confined in the Special Housing Unit at ADX Florence. Specifically, given your violent history, you are not appropriate for placement in General Population. However, you are scheduled for a semi-annual review in June of this year. At the review, you may make your request for General Population if you so desire. You will not be released from the Special Housing Unit to General Population at this time.
Accordingly, your Request for Administrative Remedy is denied. In the event you are not satisfied with this response and wish to appeal, you may do so within 20 calendar days of this response by submitting a BP-230(13) to the Regional Director, Federal Bureau of Prisons, North Central Regional Office, Gateway Complex, Tower II, 8th Floor, 400 State Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas 66101-2492.
March 21 2006
R. Wiley, Warden

If after reading this, you would like to help him join the general prison population, contact Tommy directly or write or email FFUP. Addresses below. If you do decide to write Tommy, feel free to use our PO Box for your address. Just be sure you give us your real address so we can forward his letters to you. Also, we are always available to answer questions or provide support as needed.
Tommy Silverstein 2-13-030-L;14634-116 USP Max; Box 8500; Florence, CO 81226
FFUP(Forum for Understanding Prisons); PO Box 285; Blue River, Wi 53518 swansol@mwt.net
to more art work and tommy's second appeal with descriptions of life in solitary
Peggy an excellent site, keep up the good work, i believe both our sites can do something positive for Tommy, in getting his case some exposure. Barri, from Solitary Soul: ommy Silverstein.
Peggy an excellent site, keep up the good work, i believe both our sites are doing something worthwhile for Tommy in getting his case some exposure.
Barri from Solitary Soul: Tommy Silverstein.
Peggy can you please contact me a.s.a.p. at barri.john@ntlworld.com this is in regard to a request made by Tommy regarding your site.
Ah, i think you people are forgetting that this person killed a man, what if he would have been a member of your family? you would think differently. He made a poor choice in life and now he has to pay for his mistakes. Tommy is not a victim
FUCK YOU TOMMY SILVERSTEIN! I love how you casually mention that you killed a guard, like you ran a stop sign or stole some shoes...YOU TOOK A LIFE! And you deserve to have as little of a life as possible.
So next time you're feeling sorry for yourself and wishing you had some art supplies, think of the man you killed who will never open his eyes again, much less be able to paint what he sees with them. Also, think about his family, and what they have went through.
Here's to your well deserved 19 years spent like a caged animal and here's to 19 more!
How is this injustice? He killed a guard, and now he is paying the price. Maybe he should have thought about the consequences before he committed the act. Treating the situation lightly is only paving the way for more prisoners to commit similar acts without fear of punishment. Peggy, you need to get a life and stop wasting your time worrying about the scum of the earth.
As a retired (recent) Correctional Service Lt who has also had one of her officers killed by an Inmate I can only say: a Leopard will NOT change his spots nor a Zebra his stripes.
This man is a cold blooded Killer who killed the one person that was charged by the oath he took to protect that Inmate safety with his own life were he attacked by other inmates and to ensure that he received all due process rights afforded him under the constitution.
This is NOTHING MORE than typical Inmate Manipulation and believe me I served my State Dept. of Corrections 20 yrs and seen them all. My last assignment was Death row and Segregation and the Inmates are afforded 3 showers a week and exercise but in an Exercise Enclosure.
Pray for the soul of the slain Officer and his family and not for
the worthless piece of .......!
As a retired (recent) Correctional Service Lt who has also had one of her officers killed by an Inmate I can only say: a Leopard will NOT change his spots nor a Zebra his stripes.
This man is a cold blooded Killer who killed the one person that was charged by the the oath he took to protect that Inmate safety with his own life were he attacked by other inmates and to ensure that he received all due process rights afforded him under the constitution.
This is NOTHING MORE than typical Inmate Manipulation and believe me I served my State Dept. of Corrections 20 yrs and seen them all. My last assignment was Death row and Segregation and the Inmates are afforded 3 showers a week and exercise but in an Exercise Enclosure.
Pray for the soul of the slain Officer and his family and not for
the worthless piece of .......!
i think he deserves better treatment. in fact, lets kill him so we aren't wasting our money on him anymore. That will solve both our problems. worthless, piece of shit murderer. and peggy is just as guilty for trying to help him. lets fry her ass too.
Peggy reminds me of my daughter. She came to my house one day wearing a shirt that was fairly decorated and had a lot of time put into making it.It said to free a certain killer"just go to his websight to see there is no proof against him.He was"railroaded" I tore her a new asshole.I said how if you are the victims family would you feel if you seen a shirt like that.People like peggy are embarrassingly needy and would feed their kids to any animal like this killer.I agree with taryn_dinana on down!The killer is one thing but these losers who believe their lies and campaign for them are even more pathetic.
Tommy should be put to death for this crime. The fact that he is complaining about his own suffering after murdering someone states that he is still just thinking about number one. Well, that is human nature. If he said something like, I know I deserve to die but I'm just asking for mercy, instead of acting like he deserves mercy and shouldn't have to suffer it would be better for him. With that attitude he would be able to go through suffering a whole lot better.
-An ex-convict who deserves to be dead too.
OMG...Tommy you are the idiot from the village. Why do you as with the millions of other killers locked up think you deserve anything? You have more than you deserve. I cannot believe this ignorant penal system allowing you the PRIVILEGE to use a computer. I think prisons should go back to striped suits, chain gangs and NOT having a damned thing but a blanket and a cot!!! That would save taxpayers money and show you exactly what you get for what you have done. YOU ARE A MURDERER. Why are you NOT repenting for the life you took??????? As far as anyone is concerned, this and the other site should be SHUT DOWN and you to rot in prison. You are a whining sniveling poor excuse of a man. My question is, WHY IN THE HELL ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?
Tommy, you fucked it all up...
He didnt only kill a guard, he murdered 4 people after being put in prison. Tell the damn truth or your no better than he is for lying. "no human contact" was ordered because he kept KILLING people after being put in jail. He should have stopped at the robbery charge but he didnt, he killed 4 people. One of them a 51yr old man that he stabbed 40 (!!) times. Have you even tried to tap the computer desk 40 times? You'd have to be crazy to stab someone that many times, let alone an old man who was just doing his damn job working as a guard in a prison.
cry me a freakin river.
He should be put to death and if he was any kind of REAL man, he'd ASK to be put to death with some dignity instead of whining like a little girl.
Do me a favor and show him this message with my kind regards. Ive never had verbal contact with an animal before.
Boo hoo hoo...poor Tommy.
My question is to Peggy...why on earth would you want to help somebody like this? There are plenty of other charities that would love your time and effort.
hey, nerd, stop crying and get a job! you sit around all day (probably naked) and wait to be fed like a dog. why don't you get some dignity and start looking for employment? peg, you're supporting a bum here, wake up! tom, stop being a creep and shape up or santa is not going to be stopping by this year!
i agree with the last post. tom is a worthless, lazy, nerd, that needs to get some chores and stop crying about how difficult his life is. peg, you're ridiculous yourself. get a job and stop being the pathetic individual you've been since birth.
I can't believe I am commenting here, but this whole thing just makes me sick. Who the hell does this animal think he is? A sick piece of shit thinks he deserves 'better treatment?' What a joke. I got some better treatment for you, you sniveling little coward.
And for you Peggy? is that your name? Get a life! How you can support/help/feel anything for this pathetic creature is beyond comprehension. You are living in some sort of serious denial. Someone should introduce you to serious violent crime. Perhaps you would understand better just exactly why this piece of human garbage deserves nothing but a 4x8 room with a steel cot and no pillow.
I served in USP Leavenworth when Tommy was in SHU, NO CONTACT! Regardless of his racial preference, I will support him, because BOP gave me the same treatment. I started out with 2 year sentence but ended up serving 8 years due to BOP's indifferences to convicts' needs. and Hope he can realize we are all brothers.
BTW, Is he really a racist?
I am a firm believer in the belief people can change.I am in no way defending anyones actions but after all these yrs in solitary its come down to the "good ole boys club"I bet 1/2 of the guards at that prison were in diapers when that happened.But as with folklore they have been told over and over the one side.We have been through a brutal murder trial not long agi and at first we wanted him caged for the rest of his life.As time has gone on I dont want to see him walking down the street but this is Canada,life is 10-25 and his actually was set at 15-25 because of the brutality of it.We now just hope he does something useful with his life when hes let out.I firmly believe that by taking away the art supplies was just a jab(only one left at the time is my guess).Even put back in G.P he will never be released so has anyone thought of his doing art,then selling it(and its beautiful it wouldnt be hard) giving proceeds to the families??It wont bring back their loved ones but maybe help put someone through College or University that wouldnt have the chance without money for tuition.Like I said I am not defending what hes done or anyone else but I think 23 yrs in solitary is just plain inhumane,and for the goverment over there to allow it to happen this long are basically on a power trip of "Ill show him",and yes I expect alot of negative feedback on this but I dont care because I believe everyones allowed their own opinion and this is mine,Thanx
Is this a joke? What an outrage. Murders should have NO rights, period. We the tax payers are responsible for feeding, providing legal and medical services to rapists, murders, child molesters and now Art Supplies? We are the ones that are not getting justice here.
I say let him in with the others and hand him a shrp object!!!Give the gaurds a night off and let the man have some fun...after he's had is way for a day or two,,,shoot him.Save us all some money and set him free at the same time WIN WIN!!!
Have any of you with such strong opinions about Tom ever wondered what drove him to kill the guard? If you knew the absolute truth and were in the same exact position, I wonder what you would do. But then that would require you to research the truth. I do not condone murder by any means. I also do not condone torture. Check your facts people. Additionally, if Tom were allowed to work, as in payment for whatever he is fed, I am certain he would be happy to. Did any of you enjoy the movie "The Birdman of Alcatraz?" One day you will hear about a movie about Tom and his artwork. I know, I have many of them he drew before he started drawing the views inside his cell. I hope this does get to Tom because he will know who it is coming from. Gee, let's see, who is that football player who drove drunk recently and pled guilty so he only has to serve 30 days for killing an innocent victim who never tortured him. Hmmm, justice?
Deat mister silverstein
I was wondering if you can share some of your wisdom that you have learn over the years
( dealing with your isolated ) to others who is in the same boat as your self . I voluntary and suport the innoncence project so I deal with alot of inmates, I have notice over the years we are recivid so many kids non days because of theses manory sentenceing laws we have our young kids that aint even oldest to buy smokes are coming to prison ... we need chance very badly in our prisons thank you kathy w
This is crazy but I see the cruelty and indifference to a human being "Tommy". And I wonder if these witch hunters screaming for no mery would feel the same way if they knew what prison was like. He did not go into prison a killer he went in for robbery at 19 years old. Besides our Constitution says no cruel and unual punishment. Thank God or people screaming for blood would run the show.
Great article Im reading all I can find about Tommy but the articles seem to drop off after 2005 Do you know anyupdate?
just plain "wow"
not really sure about how I feel about this one.
It is very sad in many ways.
I'll be praying for all involved.
He already has more than he deserves.
He killed a man, and he has to pay the price. He brought his punishment upon himself. He should never be allowed out of segregation. Not now, not ever.
We shouldn't be wasting our tax dollars on keeping him alive. He was a botched human from the beginning and will remain that way forever. Are we supposed to feel bad for him because he's paying the price for what he did? I like how they always find religion or Buddha in prison. If he was put back in a regular cell he would kill again. Pull the plug on the dude along with all the other people who have terrorized innocent civilians. He should fear God everyday he lives. Hope he suffers a lot longer.
I entered into this comment site to make some criticisms, but I can see that that is not necessary.
Compared to the rest of the western world we have an extremely harsh and unjust penal system. I do believe that murder is a serious crime but I do believe that some people that commit murders can do their time and go on to lead productive lives. I however don't believe that sex offenders can be rehabilitated and they are constantly being reintroduced into society.
I cannot say that I could forgive someone that harmed my loved one in the way that you have Tommy, but I hope that I could. I hope that I would have the understanding in my heart to offer my hand in friendship. I hope that you would consider yourself worthy of that friendship.
I admire the way that you have used your time Tommy . My intention is to return to your blog and learn more about and from you. I'd like to know more about your meditation process and your spiritual thoughts if you will consider sharing.
I am here only to voice that though he may not enjoy his current conditions, I imagine the families of the persons he killed are a bit disappointed in the the way HIS decisions dramatically changed the way they have lived their lives for the past decades. I don't agree with capital punishment I do agree with this type of punishment. Time alone, time with God, time to beg for forgiveness. Is the life your living worth Christ dying for? Hope you can see, he may have changed, but this is a result of his punishment. Keep up the great art!!
HE HAS T.V., should only have a bible, pencil and paper. WAAAAAAAAAY too many liberties. NOTHING TO SEE HERE>>>>>>> MOVE ALONG!
Good Lord! He has been a model prisoner? Yes, except for murdering THREE PEOPLE, including a prison guard!!! Every breath Silverstein takes is undeserved.
He is a decent artist. But please! The inhumanity of his situation? Prisoners get too much as it is! Prisons must be very harsh in order to discourage repeat crimes. I dont agree with many laws but murder is one of the worst crimes a human can commit.
Rot in hell you piece of shit.
Queen55 I agree with all of what makes that murderer ok?
and steev, Tommy may not rot in hell but you might God does not look on the outside but inside, and is not a respecter of persons to Him one "sin" or crime is exactly the same as another wishing ill of someone or hating them is as the same as murder to God, Look inside people.
If Tommy is in solitary for murder then where are the rest of the murders? He should have company, why doesnt he?
Tommy..I had left a message on the blog on your web-site..I wanted to say that In prison a man becomes many things..I have been to oak park heights in Mn and done years in prison..not like you however in the hole..I will say for myself that when I went in at 16,by the time i finished .......I became an animal..........I looked at people diffently and as prey.and hated all I still have moments of rage and hate those who think for some reason they now about prison...... haveing never been there..after so much time in a cage a person will change..Not for the good..and they expect you to behave when people are trying to kill you in there,or rape you..and then for some like me open the door release you,to the public..I wanted society to feel my pain and my hate.anyway I hope the best in all that you are doing..and you get to general population..and your appeal..Rick M.171122..
I wanted to say Tommy..I have been in prison since I was 16..I was normal when I went In..And when my release came I was an animal..I looked at people as prey and weak.I thougth we kill the weak so the stong survive..most who post write what they have no Idea of what there writeing about..Or only what they see about prison on tv..I will say those who judge will be judged...Prison is about onlt the stong survive..I have seen men killed in there and raped.I hope in all you seek you find in this..forget the bullshit others write on here that is not postive..most will protest to protest..and most are full of shit..
Well said Hoffa prison does not correct anything. I'm not saying no prison but as it is needs work eh?
Love and Support to Tommy and those who are making his case and similar known.
To those who think solitary is a fair fate: Understanding is the key to compassion and compassion is the key to healing.
Love the artwork man, we are all in a prison. www.fivedollarshades.com
Hey, I've got an idea. Why not let him back in general population. He's older now, maybe not so tough, and we'd get lucky and some other animal called an "inmate" would kill Silverstein? The score wouldn't be even, since he took three lives, but we'd open up space to lock up the next wild animal.
Teresa, dont worry the country spends 2 billon dollars on prisons with many new supermax prisons in the works theres enuff room and thanx for being a taxpayer so its all paid for.heres an idea execution for eveything murder robbery u name it then no more "animals" as u callthem.
Let's see: he gets put in prison for a crime he committed willingly; he kills a man in prison, is convicted and then the conviction is overturned. Did Tommy turn his life around then? No, he killed another prisoner, again. Turn his life around this time? No, stabbed a guard 40 times.
It seems to me that Tommy is not in solitary confinement to punish him, but to protect the rest of the prison population.
I don't think Tommy's upset because of the solitude, but because he's learned that he won't get the death penalty for his murders and he's ready for more, and it bothers him that he's in solitary. We're apparently keeping him from his prey.
Give me a break....if he was remorseful for any ONE of his actions, that might be one thing, but he's not....just indignant that he was removed from the prison population after his killings. Note the word: KILLINGS. Stabbing a man 40 times is not killing...that's a berserker frenzy slaughter.
If he does get released to the general population, I wonder how long it will take him to kill again?
He doesn't stop killing when he's around other people. Don't even consider the families of his victims; think about this: if you had a relative in that prison, and knowing Tommy's history, would you want him out?
I don't understand why this site exists. He is a convicted criminal who acknowledges that he callously murdered a 51-year old.
His current punishment is not severe enough, but he is protected by the laws that the man he murdered had sworn to protect.
People should forget the name of this inmate and continue to remember Correctional Officer MERLE CLUTTS, Department of Justice - Federal Bureau of Prisons.
I am sorry for the ignorance of the individuals whom allude to the fact that you are a victim. Give me a break, a point to ponder before you realize the frugal nature of the people advocating for some change in your sentence, How does your worst moment in prison compare to the final 30 seconds of your victims lives in addition to the first 10 minutes of the lives of the surviving family members of those whose lives you cut short. I imagine your life is bliss. Enjoy today and as much as you can Live for the Lord. May God have mercy on your soul.
As for those who always talk about Go and write the things negitive things they write,Have no Idea of God.Most think in doing a good deed every now and then finds them a place in heaven...Or how much money they give..I think that they got another thing comeing..In my life and the sentences I was given I deserve that..However I don't deserve a man trying to rape me in prison at the age of 16..In prison you fight for life and death..Or you will either be dead or some ones bitch...And not to metion the fact that when your done with your sentence they throw you out in the public..So forgive me for haveing animal instincts..There is no man in my life that will talk down to me..I hit ask questions later..I think in todays world men act like women..is there any true men left in society????
Tommy Silverstein is an animal. He should have been executed, killed like the mad dog he is. Locking him away from humans perfectly reasonable if you're not going to stick a pistol in his ear.
And if he dies crazy because of his lifetime of solitary (after killing a swath of people himself, including a corrections officer) well that just sucks.
Hey, Silverstein, ya maggot. How about in your next life you try to not be a piece of s**t - it'll go a long way towards you not spending ANOTHER lifetime marinating alone in your own sociopathic sludge.
Dear Peggy I'm going to have to stop getting updates as I ca not abide the sickening comments towards Tommy. It is so sad how people talk.
This is a fine blog. I am just in tears over this tho. I really think the negative comments need to be erased. They do not help anyone it just fuels the negative energy and what all inmates suffering from injustice need is positive energy.Thats why the Bible says if you "hate" someone its just like murder. Now wev see why. the last comment is murder to me
and if we believe the Bible its murder to God as well.
sieglinde, an oath to protect? Watch the video from Pollock on youtube, staff locked combatants in until one was dead then unlocked door at no time did any staff help either man 2 inmates dead staff watching from behind locked door
for all those nasty jerks that think being in solitary for killing a man .... there are a LOT of prisoners in General population with Murder on their rap.
I am a strong Supporter of Brant Daniel, who has been in Pelcian Bay SHJu for 7 years .. and has NO MURDER on his rap.
I feel for you Tommy. and those that came to bash you, I hope they can someday appreciate the suffering of prison first hand, as they may never know the misery of Isolation . and they should.. for being so ready to pass judgement and feel vindicated by their callousness.. I hope they get to not only walk in your shoes, Tommey,but maybe take their own shoes down a path similar to yours.. my heart goes out to you. I am sorry .. sorry that the COs have found it within their job description to play judge and jury without peer one to you for any sort of justice. but mostly I am sorry that free people find it necessary to kick a FELLOW man when he is down.. it makes me ashamed to be human - which makes me like them.. but that is all that makes me like them.. for their shallow reality will never knwo what it means to have heart and soul.
a lot of cowards on here that would not DARE say the nasty things they have to say to your face directly... I can attest to knowing EXACTLY how that feels.
gotta love a coward... makes ya wonder why so many cops shoot unarmed people in the back and get acquitted....
LOL. Yeah, it really is "another testiment of the inhumanity of our justice system" that this repeated murderer can't have art supplies.
Whoever wrote this shit is an idiot.
well its sad that that Bin Ladin is not a christian - if he were the american public would fight over who would turn him in.. we are creating men and women who at least lose sight of human respect - yes Tommy has killed - yes he should be in prison even a USP - but leaving him alone is evil -
Peg, read an email from you today, FYI to everyone. Tom was able to buy supplies with the money I sent , hes done some drawings for me. he is also not in complete isolation anymore.Thanks to the denver law students. He's ok at the moment. anything else just let me know.
Let him n gen population , I know for a fact he has also did and saved lives while there. so get off his nuts hatters..maybe he killed ppl worse than himself all know is he saved my brothers life while locked up.. and im for let n him back with population , heck put him with molesters- killers,so Thank you Tommy for save n my brother, ppl opnly post your faults . xoxo
@Tracy thank you for posting that great comment. I think after all Tom's been through they should just let him come home.I hope to see more good feed back from people like yourself.
Howard sez: "As for the negative comments posted here. Well from what I can see most of the authors of these comments seem ill-educated, incapable of putting a sentence together and appear to be lacking even the basics of english grammar and syntax so don't worry about them Tommy."
So would that be two sentence fragments there, Howie? How about a comma here and there to break up the diarrheal sludge you're puking up? And, while I appreciate that you Brits are a constant embarrassment to yourselves, you still need to capitalize "English."
OK, I feel bad for you. You probably just need a good example. Here's a complete sentence: "Go fuck yourself, you brain-damaged Brit shitstain."
See? It's so easy that even someone with their head up their ass as far as yours is can manage it with a bit of practice.
Then you burbled along for a while, finally excreting this noxious lump: "One more observation from me, please no more killing or violence no matter how much you are provoked."
Well, golly gee, no wonder we couldn't get a handle on this homicidal scumbag. It never occurred to us to just tell him to quit it. Shucks, that isn't stupid at all. Nice job.
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